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How Does You Handwriting talk About You? #GraphologySpeaks

Updated: Jul 1, 2019

Is Graphology Real? Can your handwriting actually portray the real You?

As quoted from Wikipedia: "Graphology is the analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting claiming to be able to identify the writer, indicating the psychological state at the time of writing, or evaluating personality characteristics."

How does Handwriting reflect your personality?

Remember how we were taught how to write all the alphabets back in school days by our teachers & parents.We were all taught to write Say the letter I in a certain way, The letter O in a certain way and So on. We were also taught how to connect the letters so as to make it a word . Then how is it that each individual has different style of writing all the letters,different ways of connecting the words etc ?

Our Handwriting is as an instantaneous photograph of our mind.Our brain stores every experience of our life which shapes us into what we are today. It stores messages in the form of ions i.e., chemically charged neurotransmitters.When we write, we think as well as press our fingers.This decodes the ions & create electrochemical energy that passes via central nervous system while hands serves merely as a tool that carry the instruction which originate in the cerebral cortex (in the upper brain) from decode of ionised stored messages and help the analyst to read stored messages from individualised graphic pattern in the handwriting.The thoughts and feelings in the human mind have an immediate impact in the formation of handwriting. You will be able to spot differences in the handwriting by comparing your own writing samples written in various moods when you are angry, happy, tired or feeling sick. When you compare these different samples you will be able to see noticeable differences in pen stroke usage, even though your handwriting style remains basically the same.Just like finger prints, no two handwritings are identical.

While analysing Handwriting, our subject is not WHAT is written, But HOW it is written.Your Personality traits gets reflected through various parts of handwriting like size,shape,angle,knot,hooks,accessories,pressure,connectivity & any other aspects.

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