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Into the lap of creation - [Poem]

Did you hear the birds sing

Or saw the leaves and branches dance in harmony?

Have you smelled the fresh fragrance of a newly bloomed flower

Or tasted the sweet nectar from their buds?

Did you ever go flying in strong gushes of wind

Or splashed the cold water from the river to get rejuvenated?

Oh you must have!

But did you hear the silence between the two breeze speak?

Or felt the space between you and the nearest object?

Waving your hand up and down have you sensed the layers of air you breathe

Or the taste of your palate between a laugh and cry?

Did you ever close your eyes during the day to dive deep within

Or opened your eyes in darkness and amazed yourself?

Well, these you can try it now..

But, would you ever see your life going on in cycles of 3 m, 16-18 m, 3.25 y or 12 y

Or realise that your spine acts as the axis to the universe?

Would you ever wonder the science behind temples

Or how the imperfect geometry of objects rests perfectly in nature?

Would you realise your mortality and pause working on and for the physical

Or knowing about the way out, would still choose to be ignorant?

Ignorance is indeed bliss,

Living as a tiny spec of dust in the universe

Dancing to the tunes of space and time

Cycling through lifetimes, trapping our energy,

And yet each of us has a story to tell

With a perspective we think others wouldn’t understand,

And we think each one of us are different yet we’re all connected with a thread of time

Each of us having a role to play and our situations preparing us accordingly.

True, it’s only a few who have, can and will look through these clouds,

To fall with their eyes closed, into the lap of creation.

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